My family of 5

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Had my OB appointment today. I lost a pound since last week, baby is engaged at this point and I'm measuring at 35 weeks, when I measured at 37 last week~ My pressure was 130/86 and baby's heartrate was 140. Everthing looks good with baby just waiting for him to come. Dr. somehow thinks that I may go on my own by my next visit, since he's so low down. But I have no way to know if I'm dilated or not, my OB doesn't check at visits, only when you go in to a) have baby or b) for an induction. He did however tell me that if the baby isn't here by Dec. 1 he's going to induce me. So there is an end in sight~ yay! Don't get me wrong, I love feeling this little one moving all around but my back is absolutely KILLING me and it hurts to do almost everything now. :( But anyway, 17 more days till we meet him.

Thanks for the input on the name for him too. I was telling hubby how Nolan pretty much won over my choice, he just grinned and said how we should definately go with it now. We'll see, when baby is born what he looks like, it's one of those 2 names for sure.

Did more shopping yesterday got 3 more presents for the kiddo's. I'm almost donw, since I'm not getting them much this yr.

Oh well this post is beginning to be a big long ramble for now, I was tagged by Beccy so I'll do the meme tomorrow.


At 10:13 PM , Blogger my4kids said...

If your measuring smaller I'll bet you are dialating already and it's because if him being down so far. Could be any time.
You should do a poll to see who things he will be here before Dec 1!


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