My family of 5

Saturday, November 10, 2007

I've been sitting here thinking of what I do in the run of a day now that I'm off work.

6:30am Get up with A, immediately she wants to be fed so out to the kitchen we go preparing breakfast.

7:00am Get the rest of the kids up, prepare lunches for school. Feed them breakfast, do hair, get bookbags ready for the 3 of them.

7:50am Kids are out the door. (breathe again)

8:00am, A and I watch some Bo on the GO and Arthur cartoons.

9:00am Tub time, she loves the tub, since I'm too fat to bend over the tub, I get in with her (hey why not kill 2 birds with one stone right?)

9:30am Start laundry, because there is like always 3-4 loads a day to do, no joking.

10:00am do dishes, vacuum, clean, clean some more the kids rooms, my room etc.

then flop on sofa for a bit.

Around 12:00 I feed A some lunch then we crash for a nap. (i usually don't sleep, I just lay there)

She is usually asleep for an hr.
2:00pm I usually start supper, read below to see why.

3:00pm kids are home from school, the real fun starts. I do homework with E and little E. That consumes about 2 hrs of our time, all the while doing this A is jumping up on the table, R is trying to get the occasional help with hers, which is fine. After an exhausting 2 hr homework battle we are finished.

5:00pm, we eat, roughly around this time.

6:00pm I clean the dishes, sweep floor for 20th time today, vacuum for 2nd time I'm sure because A is a mess-maker.

6:30pm start getting kids in tub, I wash little E's hair, the others are fine.

7:30pm, I flop on sofa, wanting and begging for sleep.

8:30 put A to sleep, other kids are finally in bed. Ahhhh quiet at last. Hubby and I finally have some alone time *he of course helps with the insanity of the house when he's home, but when he works he doesn't get in until 8pm.

9:00pm I'm asleep, ready to do this allllll over again the next day. LOL.

I'm thinking I had a far less hectic day when I worked.


At 3:28 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

And, you are getting ready for the all nighters with this crazy schedule? God bless you!!

At 1:31 AM , Blogger my4kids said...

You do sound busy! I know what you mean about the laundry though. Doesn't matter how many loads I've done in a day I still have several loads the next day.


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