I woke up this morning to "more" cramping than usual. I had some spotting, more than I am comfortable with, dark red in color. I'm really nervous, This is exactly what happened with A last year. It was a sub.chorionic hem.atoma then. URGH. At least she's here and healthy. I am going to call the Dr.'s office and see what she has to say, I know there's not much of anything they can do at this point, but I'll call to make sure.
Just when you are starting to get used to something....
I'll post when I know anything. :(
I hope everything is OK.
I'm sorry you're going thru this, sweetie. I'm praying for you.
I hope everythings ok.....
hang in there.....
I'm thinking about you today. I had the same thing happen with Patrick, and I know how scary it is.
I'm thinking about you today. I had the same thing happen with Patrick, and I know how scary it is.
I'm thinking about you today. I had the same thing happen with Patrick, and I know how scary it is.
let us know EK...fingers crossed.
I'm thinking of you and hoping that everything is okay.
I'm thinking of you and hoping that everything is okay.
I'm thinking of you and hoping that everything is okay.
I'm thinking of you and hoping that everything is okay.
Maybe it's just implantation bleeding - it's exactly the right time!
I hope everything is okay! I'll be thinking about you today. Please let us know what you find out!
Oh no, I hope everything is okay.
thinking good thoughts and karma for you and the baby. denise
I really hope everything is okay, please let us know what you find out!
I hope everything is alright.. please let us know when you find out anything.. *hugs*
I had implantation bleeding with both girls at about this point, so I hope that's what it is and nothing more.
Keeping my fingers crossed for you & your family. I hope everything goes well.
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