My family of 5

Sunday, June 03, 2007

I'm seriously considering moving to a wordpress account. Blogger hates me, and I'm beginning to hate blogger. The only thing I'd have to know is how to save all my old previous entries into a newer account.

Anyway, we had the BBQ, I ate my face off, what a surprise! Nah not too bad, but I did stuff myself. Anyway it's all good once and awhile. My SIL was there with her 8 wk old baby, he was crying and wasn't settling at all, after about 10 minutes she yelped to her hubby and told him to come in the room, she was crying, frustrated and upset. He told her to go home and he'd watch the baby at the party. So home she went. What I found funny was when she came back 5 hrs later, and said, I'm just so tired, I haven't been getting any sleep, he's up a lot at night, I have 2 other children to care for, I just can't sleep when he does, I have housework, laundry, blah blah, I had to SEVERELY BITE MY TONGUE FROM YAPPING< No shit, and remember when you dumped your 2 off to me to watch them for the day when I had a 2 wk old newborn not to mention 3 other children to care for so you could go TO THE SPA FOR 6 hrs! What the hell, get over it, suck it up, such is life, lots of people do it honey. YOU wanted this, You GOT HER! But alas, I said nothing, as I always do. Just sat back in amazement at her crying out her guts and thought what a pathetic creature.

That was my rant about her. We are on speaking terms, I just prefer not to speak to her, LOL. I do go to the family thingys, but like I said, all the better when she's not there.

A is getting super cute these days. At the BBQ she would go to the baby and point at him and say, Ahhh bebe, cute, and would say shhhhh. She was pretty gentle with him too. She did however get quite jealous when I was holding him and hubby was talking to him, she ran over to her dad and immediately wanted to be held. I'm not sure what she'll be like once the new baby comes, I remember with my middle 2 which are 17 mos apart, that wasn't a bad age difference at all, my son didn't bother at all with the baby, mind you I had to take her EVERYWHERE with me, like the bathroom and so on. I wouldn't leave her out of my sight, because you never know what he'd do, but it wasn't too bad, although this was 6 yrs ago! hehe.


At 6:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to aid in your hatred of blogger, but wordpress will let you import all your old posts from blogger straight into your new wordpress blog. It's super easy.

At 9:39 PM , Blogger Liz said...

As Kayce said, not to egg you on...but I switched to WP and I lurve it. And it was *so easy* to import old posts--AND COMMENTS.
Plus? With so many of the templates, you can customize the headers!

At 10:54 PM , Blogger Wendy said...

As long as you have the new blogger you can import all your posts over! Super easy like the others said! It will take a while to get used to but I have finally figured most everything out since my switch in January! My favorite part is the custom headers:)

At 1:44 AM , Blogger my4kids said...

I've thought about switching to but I'm not good with changing that stuff it scares me....i know weird.
Your sis in law oh wow yes she would bug me also.
None of my kids were more then 2 years apart the biggest spread? 2 yrs and 13 days. The boys were 18 months and yes I had to pretty much take the baby everywhere I went because I was worried about Izzak doing something if I wasn't standing right there.

At 2:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love bbq's! Glad ya'll had fun. Where's the pictures?!

At 10:34 PM , Blogger Jessica said...

I kind of wish I could get a wordpress account.

Great job holding your tongue with SIL! She sounds so annoying, it's people like that who can make nice things miserable.

At 3:46 PM , Blogger Anita said...

Hi there boy have I missed alot, I missed congratulating you on your pregnancy, I have been reading the blogs the odd time but not posting much, life is busy these days but surely not as busy as you are and are going to
Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and I will keep checking up.

At 5:50 PM , Blogger Tonya said...

oh I love BBQ's.. I have never real had a problem with blogger before but it seems alot of people do.. hmm strange.


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